Workplace Violence

The University strives to maintain a working and learning environment that is free of violent behavior, including, but not limited to, verbal and/or physical aggression, attacks, threats, harassment, intimidation, or other disruptive behavior in any form, which causes or could cause a reasonable person to fear physical harm or damage to property. Any action, which in management’s opinion is inappropriate to the workplace, will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of all employees to maintain a University environment free of violence.

Possession of weapons, including, but not limited to firearms and knives, presents the possibility of danger in the workplace. It is a violation of our safety policy to possess a weapon in the workplace, except when an employee, who is legally permitted to possess a firearm, stores the firearm in a personal vehicle in the University parking lot. The firearm must not be in plain view, and the container or unoccupied vehicle must be locked. Any employee who intends to have a permitted weapon in his or her vehicle while in the University parking lot must complete a disclosure form, available at the Department of Campus Safety and Security, and provide proof that the employee has a valid handgun carry permit.

RVU maintains a list of prohibited items that all employees must be aware of in the Firearms, Weapons, and Prohibited Items Policy located in the RVU policy repository - DynamicPolicy at

Any potentially dangerous situations should be reported immediately to a supervisor, the Department of Campus Safety and Security, or Human Resources. For emergencies, call 911.