Promotions and Transfers

Whenever possible, the University attempts to fill job openings by promotion or transfer of current employees. Promotional opportunities will be announced in alignment with state or federal guidelines. The qualifications of all employees who apply for open positions are reviewed. It is in each employee’s best interest to keep their personnel file current by notifying Human Resources of any education degrees or acquired new skills so a complete record can be considered.

Employees who have worked at the University for less than six (6) months and employees who have been in their current positions for less than six (6) months are not eligible for transfer, unless there are exceptional circumstances as approved by the appropriate Vice President level management and Human Resources. University Leadership may also be consulted for approvals and solutions regarding internal transfers that would cause the university great hardship.

If selected for an open position, the employee should notify their current supervisor. A date of transfer should be discussed and agreed upon by the current and future managers with input from the employee. At minimum, a transition period of two weeks formal notice can be expected.

In all instances, adequate notice of transfer must be given to avoid the risk of disrupting workflow in the employee’s current area.