Communication Systems

The communication systems are property of the University and intended for business use. An employee’s use of these systems must not disrupt the operation of the University network or the networks of other users. And it must not interfere with employees’ productivity.

The University maintains the ability to access and monitor any computer files, use of software, Internet usage, e-mail, and voice mail. Employees should not assume that any such information is confidential. However, other than management employees acting on behalf of the University, employees should not attempt to gain access to another employee’s computer, Internet files, e-mail, or voice mail without the latter’s permission.

All information regarding access to the University’s computer resources, such as user identifications, modem phone numbers, access codes, and passwords are University confidential information and may not be disclosed to non-University personnel.

Software and Copyright

The University licenses and does not own the software it utilizes. Therefore, use of the software must be in accordance with the applicable Software Agreements or as directed by the University’s designated Software Manager. Employees must not use the University’s technology resources to copy, retrieve, forward, or send copyrighted materials unless the employee has the author’s permission.

Unauthorized Use 

Employees are not permitted to use the University system in a way that is deemed by management as inappropriate or in violation of other University guidelines. The University determines when an employee is using the University communication systems inappropriately.


E-mail is to be used for business purposes only during working times. While personal e-mail is permitted, it is to be kept to a minimum and used only when necessary. The University prohibits the display, transmittal, or downloading of material that is offensive, pornographic, obscene, profane, discriminatory, harassing, insulting, derogatory, or otherwise unlawful at any time. No one may solicit, promote, or advertise any outside organization, product, or service through the use of e-mail or anywhere else on University premises during working time. Working time does not include breaks or meal periods. Nothing in this policy is intended to infringe upon employee rights to participate in protected concerted activities under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. Management may monitor e-mail from time to time.

Employees should use discretion when sending e-mails. Do not write anything in an e-mail message that the employee would not say to others face-to-face.

Each faculty and staff member is assigned an official Rocky Vista University email address as a primary vehicle for official communication. The University expects that employees will read email in a timely manner. Failure to open and read University communications delivered to official email addresses in a timely manner does not absolve recipients from knowing and complying with the content of such communications.

Additional guidelines and restrictions regarding use of email can be found in the Employee Email Policy found in the RVU policy repository - DynamicPolicy at

Voice Mail      

Employees are responsible to make certain their voice mail messages are reviewed in a timely fashion. When employees know that they are going to be out of the office for a day or more, they must change their greeting on their voice mail stating when they will be returning messages and who will be an alternative contact in the meantime.

Telephones/Cell Phones/Mobile Devices

Telephone calls, including those made with cell phones and mobile devices, must be minimal and not interfere with employees’ performance of their jobs. Personal use of the University telephones for long-distance calls is not permitted.

For safety reasons, employees should avoid the use of cell phones while driving University vehicles or conducting University business in their personal vehicle. Employees are not permitted to text while operating a motor vehicle and can only text when the vehicle is lawfully parked.

User Responsibilities and Proper Usage

  • Illegal/Incompatible Uses: Users may not use computing and network services for uses that violate or are in conflict with state and federal law or University policy.
  • Threats and Harassment: Users may not use campus computing or network services to threaten, harass, stalk, defame, or otherwise interfere with the legal rights of others.
  • Sharing of Account Information: Users may not share their password with others or let others use their account (except as may be necessary among employees for the purpose of facilitating official University business).
  • Downloading Trademarked Material: Users should not download “pirated” material that is trademarked, whether for their own use or to be forwarded to others. This includes music and/or videos.
  • Academic Honesty: Users must respect the intellectual property of others and adhere to University standards of academic honesty.
  • System Disruption: Users must not intentionally disrupt the campus electronic communication systems or obstruct the work of other users by interfering with the accounts of others or knowingly consuming inordinately large amounts of system resources or in any other way.
  • Operational Procedures: Users must respect the University's operational procedures for computing and network services.

The University reserves the right, without notice, to restrict any individual's use of computing and communications facilities and resources, and to inspect, copy, remove or otherwise alter any data, file, or system resource which may undermine the security, integrity or effective operation of the University's computing and communications facilities. Violations of computer usage policy will not be tolerated. Individuals, who violate the law, including U.S. copyright law and software licensing agreements, may be subject to criminal or civil action by the copyright or license owners.